Revenge of the Bobs

I drank a lot of Mountain Dew. I was a member of the Krazy Kult. What, that's not enough?

Revenge of the Bobs

Xander didn't even look up from his comic book when Buffy screamed in frustration and stormed out of the library. He has seen it coming. She knew better than to ask. But she had. And now she had paid the price.

On his right, Gabby giggled a bit. "Told her she didn't want to know." She picked up the nearest blue lizard and petted its tiny head gently. "Well, Joe Bob, you've managed to scare the Slayer off."

Trying to fight a grin, Xander looked over at his girlfriend. "Nice work, babe. Couldn't you ask them to play nice every once in awhile?"

"But they're so pretty when they're bad!" She hopped out of her chair and began dancing around the room with Joe Bob firmly in toe. The lizard soon looked a bit green around the gills from all the spinning.

"You sound like Drusilla."

Gabby instantly stopped spinning, eyes wide. "Take that back!"

Cringing, Xander responded, "Sorry. I didn't mean it! Really. C'mon. Put Joe Bob down and come over here."

"Okay." She set Joe Bob down and then plopped down on Xander's lap. "What?"

"Nothing. Just wanted you here." Xander grinned and kissed her, only to be interrupted by the loud clearing of a very tiny throat. "What is it, Billy Bob?"

"We did NOT ask her to drink two cans of Mountain Dew for no reason. She is NOT here to make a little smut story for herself. We require SCREEN TIME!" the lizards finished in unison.

"Oh. Uh. Okay."

Gabrielle slid off of Xander's lap and returned to her lizards. "You shouldn't have told the Slayer that Angel likes Dru better..."

"But he does!"


Robert Bob cocked his head and squinted as best he could. "Did you get me my vita-flies?"

"Uh, yeah." Gabby fished the bottle out of her purse. "Right here. They're just-"

"Those are NOT chocolate flavored. And they look crispy. I prefer chewey."

"*I* like crispy," offered Bob.

With a groan, Gabrielle covered her face with her hands. "Xander, remind me to never, EVER drink that much Mountain Dew at one time again..."

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